Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Where To Go And What To Do?

I've been thinking about where this blog is going and what it’s all about recently, as I have found myself with more time to focus on Jumblerant than I had expected.

Its not like I’ve been thinking too deeply mind you, after all its a blog, not the answer to life itself, the solution to MidEast problems or even the ultra-secret formula to Coke.

So I turned to some bloggers who I really respect, like Frank W. James over at Corn, beans, spent brass, an empty page and a deadline where he posts great movie reviews like this one on Hanna - which I'd never heard of before but now really want to watch! Or this general blog called When Things Go Wrong On The Farm which is just an example of his blogging greatness.

Then I went over to Jay G at Marooned  and saw some funny stuff, which is more like the output I've been creating recently. So I was relieved to see that I was not the only one out there blogging this (for want of a better word) genre.

And finally I visited ASM826 over at Random Acts of Patriotism and saw some of his posts such as Doing My Part (aka Save the Tatas) where I concluded that there really are great bloggers out there who I can try and emulate.

And I will strive to do so!


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1 comment:

  1. Hanna is awesome. Director Joe Wright is awesome--he has dyslexia :-)
