Friday, June 13, 2014

Coca Cola - An Interesting Angle

The Coca-Cola logo is an example of a widely-r...
The Coca-Cola logo is an example of a widely-recognized trademark representing a global brand. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I grew up believing that Coca-Cola was a refreshing, thirst quenching drink that would get everyone singing together.

Today I hardly touch the stuff. I've become a bit of a soda water addict ever since SodaStream had an awesome ad campaign near us - and then, of course, they ruled the SuperBowl with this:

There was also the hate-filled vitriol that came out against SodaStream that made me support them - SodaStream and Hating Israel

I have a degree in marketing and I know that Coke is one of the top brands in the world. Ever. Just as McDonald's was stung by the documentary 'Supersize Me', the video below may be a nail in the coffin of Coca Cola, which is already, no longer seen as the consumer's friend:

That doesn't put you off? Then what about this:

23 sachets of sugar! 44 in the bigger cup!! I would not like to drink a JUG of coffee with 23 packets of sugar in it.

And don't get me started on the lava/coca cola action



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