The last post was titled 'Busy day - oh yeah'. But it turns out that I am in fact doing sweet Fanny Adams! Mrs Jumblerant has taken the noise maker (aka Master Jumblerant) to a cafe round the corner so that he doesn't get in the way. The lads are packing and shlapping boxes full of our stuff down to the lorry.
And I'm just sitting here waiting to move.
Image via Wikipedia
And blogging. Because that's what I do. So to prove my ability at bringing you knew and interesting internet things (and I use that term loosely) here is a picture of the internet.
Actually its a graphic representation of a minute fraction of the World Wide Web, demonstrating hyperlinks.
Who said that Jumblerant wasn't edumacashional??
Welcome to the Merkaz. I presume you will be ensconced in Buchman?