Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Simon Cowell Made Me Obese

This family say they are unable to work because they are too fat. They blame their GP, the Government, even Simon Cowell - but not themselves

Now normally I'd strongly disagree with that phrase, being slightly pudgy myself I know its because I eat junk food and don't exercise enough. With Jack's birth 2 weeks ago I have lost 2kg - 4.4 lbs, which is nice.

So back to the article which I'm now calling Simon Cowell Made Me Obese. If you don't know who Simon Cowell is;
What surprises me about this article is the fact that even after the family allowed the journalist in to their abode, chatted to her for a bit and had photos taken, they are still ridiculed. In the past I feel that these people would have at least have been given the oppurtunity to a bit of respect but here they are ripped apart.

And about bloody time too!

So maybe the tide has turned and the culture of blaming everything under the sun, except yourself, for your own problems, has gone. Hurrah!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Twitter Worm Could Take Over Your Computer

As Twitter starts to take over the world I am proud to announce that the vile and disgusting art of virus creation may, possibly, if they work stuff out, rip out the insides of twitterers' (or just plain twits) computers.

Twitter Worm Could Take Over Your Computer (in Theory)

Laugh? I nearly fell over...


Friday, March 20, 2009

Kinda 'Test Test' but not

I've playing around with the Feedburner settings on the site and I need to publish to observe the changes. Instead of just writing 'TEST TEST' as others do I thought I'd give you a fun vid to watch, as a complimentary gift.


Hamas children, THE GAYS and Sarah Palin!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Now I'm not a cat lover

Now I'm not a cat lover, in fact i can still feel where my great Aunt Annie's moggy stuck it's claws into the back of my hand back in 1982 but over at I can has cheez burger they do have a funny picture every now and then.

The 'lolspeak' can be annoying, especially when I stumble across their blogs late at night, but I'm getting used to it.

Hope it made you grin, if not outright smile.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Living MoH recipient may be coming

Living MoH recipient may be coming

Since Vietnam there has not been a living Medal of Honor winner, although now we may have one.

Very exciting.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Have your assistant's assistant book now

I stumbled upon this clever advertising project this afternoon and thoguht you might appreciate it.

I've flown JetBlue a few times and am very impressed with it's service. My sister, who lives in Miami swears by them, as opposed to US Air which I swear at....

Welcome Bigwigs


Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Don't Know Jack - yet

Baby Jumblerant was finally named yesterday - Jack

He is happy, healthy and feeding well. And boy, does he have a set of lungs on him!!

Thanks for all of your good wishes over the last few days, I'll get back to you when I can.


Friday, March 6, 2009

A few baby photos for your delectation. Mrs. Jumblerant is home with the baby and relaxing.

Jumblerant will be back to normal service in the next few days. If I get some sleep.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

a little biddy bit o' news

How you doing? Everything good with you? Family well? Good to hear.

Just thought I'd drop by and say "hi" see how thing are going with you.

Oh, and wifey aka Mrs Jumblerant had a 3.2kg / 7lb bouncing baby boy this morning.

I am now a Father.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is one funny blog

I was cruising through Google Reader and found some funny stuff I thought I'd share with y'all and then I saw that it was from the same blog, from the same guy and thought "heck, give the guy his dues - he's damn funny"

This article, this joke and this photo made me laugh out loud.

Go over to Knuckledraggin My Life Away for more of the same. He can be a bit naughty every now and then so be prepared.


5 Brilliant Animations of Sully's Hudson River Landing + a gripey rant

I think we were all a bit 'gob-smacked' when Captain "Sully" Sullenberger landed his stricken US Airways jet in the Hudson River.

I'm an amateur, amateur, amateur trainee pilot. Did I mention I was an amateur? Anyway, I wanted to see what the pilots did to save so many lives and was directed to this web-page with 5 different simulations of the amazing landing.


Happy viewing.


On a bit of a side-note, my Google Analytics code in Jumblerant was corrupted when I installed a non-Google based advertising widget. Not such a problem as I could probably contact all of my readers by text message (NARF!) but in the middle of it all, over at Marooned, Jay G mentioned this blog had been added to his Blogroll to his HUGE readership but I have no record of how many, if any, guests I had :-(

Wifey's due date for number 1 child was Sunday so theoretically I have more important things to worry about but in reality. . . .


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Me wants one. Or two.

A friend of mine is on the creation team for the vehicle above. It could soon be seen at a confrontation near you soon!

Actually, its just been put in to contention for the US's next armored vehicle.

It not only looks good but is actually tough as nails, exceptionally safe and is already in use by a few military and police forces around the world.

Watch this space for more information as the processes continue.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Woot's Spork

The Wii Spork

Brought to you by the nice people over at Woot! who ran yet another competition, this one to show 'another product reconfigured or redesigned to cater to obsessive video gamers.'

Actually, most of the finalist's images were LOL worthy.

FYI - Woot! are the guys and gals that create 'The Daily Deal' and I've bought quite a few items from them too.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another astounding WTF moment

Wow – another day as a policeman and another astounding ‘WTF moment’ to remember for a long time. And this one didn’t even involve a criminal.

I get to the station for the 13.30 briefing before our 8 hour afternoon shift. We sit and chat in the Briefing Room before our Top Sergeant walks in and brings us to order. No Officer today, there is a meeting on the 2nd floor with the local area commander so all officers, and for some reason, all the chairs, will be gone for the rest of the day.

Easier for us. Let’s go get some criminals.

After the briefing (there are new threats of: stabbing, kidnapping, shooting, blowing up and generally not being nice to us Police Officers. And our stats are down – get more criminals) we all traipse down to the garage to get our different vehicles as the previous shift come in. 

Some people light up their cigarettes, I sip on my coffee, the latest rude jokes get told and then Top Sergeant asks me to chat with him. This is the unofficial of the unofficial here, in front of everyone, but our backs turned, in the station but in a dark corner, no notes to be taken, ‘a word in your shell-like’.

‘Sure Top, what do you want?’
‘Well’ he says ‘this is very serious’. I’m thinking that they found out that I’ve been wearing non-standard weatherproof gear. Or, like my wife, they think my driving is shit and they need to take away all privileges. No, its not one of them.

‘HS has complained to me that you sexually harassed her on the morning shift on Sunday. Or close to sexual harassment actually.’

Lights flash in my head. I feel slightly dizzy.

I want to say “What the hell are you talking about? This is absolute rubbish. Made up nonsense” but I have to be calm under stress so I only say ‘go on’.

‘HS said you asked her to your apartment for coffee’

‘Yes I did’

‘She said that during lunch you asked her if she wanted your pickled cucumber’

Again ‘yes I did’

‘She said you touched her thigh’

‘No. not really - Okay Top, lets go through this one at a time;

I asked her to my apartment for coffee, at 10 in the morning after we’d been standing outside in the rain for 4 hours and we’d already finished my thermos of coffee. Oh, did I forget to mention to you that I told HS that my 9 month pregnant wife would be in the 2 room apartment when we had a coffee? I told her twice!! (We’d already dropped off the rookie somewhere).

‘What about the pickle?’

‘Simple. HS and the rookie went to buy a snack. I thought it would be something different to what they bought. I don’t eat spicy pickles. I also don’t waste food. I asked her and the rookie if the pickles were spicy and they said no. I ate the first pickle and it burnt my lips. She was sitting next to me in the vehicle, eating one of her two pickles so I offered her mine. She said no so I offered it to the rookie. End. Of. Story.’

Admittedly, you try offering anyone a pickle without a little smile creasing across your face…

‘What about touching her thigh?’

‘Again, simple. As we had no computer in the car she was doing all the reports with pen and paper. I’m driving as smoothly as possible but we still have to get from incident to incident and there have been loads of roadwork in our area recently so I’m really concentrating. She loses her pen. I see it balanced precariously on her thigh and realize that by the time I tell her where it is and she fumbles for it it’ll be on the floor and we’ll have to pull over. So I pick it up and hand it to her.'

Very simple.

Top nods and walks away. I know if this goes 'official' he'll be up to his eyeballs in paperwork and he really does not need that.

So what the hell is she up to? For the first 4 hours of my shift I was pretty miffed but didn’t want it to show so put on a good face. At one point my partner went to interview a witness and I made a few personal phone calls to other officers who might know HS.

I didn’t want to appear biased so I asked the first one, YP, what he thought of HS generally. ‘She’s a bit unstable actually and no-one really takes what she says seriously’. Wow, what a weight off my shoulders. We chatted for a few more minutes, agreed to meet up on Saturday night, and I phoned another, trusted officer.

I posed the same ‘how do you rate HS generally’ question to ST. Even though he was in a pretty serious car crash last week he came straight back with ‘I just don’t trust her’.

I can now sleep tonight.

So what next? I tried to work out why she made up this nonsense and precluding any previous trauma she may have had I can only assume that she thought she’d look good to Top Sergeant if she came across as all politically correct and downtrodden, and that I as a volunteer would never answer back. Maybe just fade into the background even more than I do now.

What she didn’t realize is that I have been working with Top Sergeant since way before he even got a rank. We are definitely not ‘Best Buds’ but he is straight and honest and I respect that.

She also may not have realized that I know half of the police officers in the Station. I used to know more but they all quit or moved. A quiet word in the right ears will definitely cause trouble for her. But I’m not going to do that. Instead I am going to write an unofficial letter to Top Sergeant answering her complaints. This letter is not to be shown to anyone until she tries to label another officer in a sexual harassment case. And then she’ll be proven to be a liar.

I’m guessing that this is a rather unique time, when the evidence is admitted before the crime takes place!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Inane grin, ear to ear.

Formula 1 is coming back to our screens and so I thought I'd share with you the BBC intro for the new season.

Seriously, it had my heart racing and a stupid ear to ear grin!

(UPDATED) F1 BBC 2009 intro: inspiration?

And a comparison from 1979 below.

Formula One Intro - 1979, BBC Coverage, Murray Walker