Sunday, December 22, 2013

Chuck Norris v. Jean Claude van Damme

Its been a while since real men have been allowed to be real men.  I've blogged about the cowboy heroes and anti-heroes in Longmire and Justified and Vegas, but here we have real tough guys doing what they do best - challenging each other and one-upping each other.

I can only hope and pray that the next level of this championship rocks as much as these videos do.

The 1st video is of that nice chap from 'Friends' Mr. Jean Claude van Damme and at the time of wiritng was at 61,210,215 views:

The 2nd is of that charming youngster, Chuck Norris. He who cannot be beaten.

Allegedly, Chuck Norris likes his meat so rare, he only eats unicorns.
When Google don't know something,  they go on the internet and 'Chuck Norris' it.


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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Self Healing Phone: The Future is Here

I'm always worried when I put my keys in my pocket along with my phone. Will I scratch my screen? Will everything drop out when I get a phone call? Will my ringxiety or hypovibrochondria cause me to grab for my phone to no avail?

Now there is an answer to at least one of my phone issues. Allow me to introduce to you, the self healing phone:

My only question here is - when will they have this on cars, boats and planes?


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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Zach Sobiech - May 3, 1995 – May 20, 2013 part II

Back in May I wrote "Zach Sobiech - May 3, 1995 – May 20, 2013" about Zach Sobiech, a teenager who had found out that he had a rare bone cancer.

As Adam Mordecai, the guy who brought Zach so much attention, says himself, but it could be about any of us writing about Zach in the blogosphere:

"I'm sad I never got the opportunity to meet him. But 5,000 people who did know him got together to create a giant choir in the middle of the Mall of America. Then they sang his song, which debuted a year ago. The couple in the middle are his wonderful and supportive and brave parents. And I, once again, have become a weepy mess."

And here is the Celebrity Music Video of 'Clouds'

Got to go now, getting very dusty in here...


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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Making Me A Belieber

Image representing Justin Bieber as depicted i...
Image via CrunchBase
English: Justin Bieber at the Sentul Internati...
Justin Bieber at the Sentul International Convention Center in West Java, Indonesia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

STOP! I am not a Justin Bieber fan!

Please don't get the wrong idea, I couldn't care less about the young man, but I saw this faux interview with him and thought that he may yet salvage some humanity from what might seem like a rather robot-like personality.

He is here, and it looks like he is here to stay, so let's just watch this star and see just how quickly (or otherwise!) the star fades.


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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Go Jump Off A Cliff

This guy did and is kicking himself for it I'm sure!

As someone who has done a fair bit of rock-climbing and abseiling (rappelling) I can assure you that even the ending where he seems to be sliding, rather inelegantly, down the rock face, he is getting damaged no end!

And here is what BASE (building, antenna, span, earth) jumping should look like:

My Lame 2012 Base Jumping Video from Subterminallyill on Vimeo.


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Thanking of You Kindly

Thank you very much for making this possible:



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Miley Cyrus - You're Responsible

Dear Miley,

You know I love you, and will always do so, for your voice, for your attitude and for the fact that you enabled so many copycat videos that made me laugh.

Actually made me hurt myself laughing.

Miley, Growing Up Can Be Painful, but you made your coming of age, something that we can all smile at.

And the original, in full gloriousness


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Monday, December 2, 2013

Say You'll Marry Me!

My good (real life) friend Ruth was proposed to recently - here's how he did it. Rather classy, if I do say so myself!

When I proposed to Mrs Jumblerant it was at a secluded spot in the desert, with candles adn champagne, and the unspoken threat that if she said 'no' she might be left there on her own...

8 years later and we're still together.

My blessings to you Ruth and Steven! So happy for you both.


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Friday, November 29, 2013

Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?

I know its a tough world out there in Hollywood - but where the heck are my cowboys? I need to see some criminals get put away, some logic and gut feelings put into play and I need it now!




Nothing to see here, I'm just waiting for the boys to come back to TV is all.



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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Change You Can Believe In

Obamacare, Peace with Iran, Thanks Giving, Hanukah and oh, so much more, but here is what fell between the cracks, as they always have done:

Curious about the 100,000 Homes Campaign? Participating communities have already housed over 73,000 people across teh USA, including 21,000 veterans.

Learn about the movement that is fundamentally altering America's response to homelessness through the firsthand experiences of some of its most successful participants at

kthanxbai! Jumblerant
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Monday, November 25, 2013

Ward Miles - His 1st Year

I'm just getting over a nasty virus that had me out flat on my back for 3 days, so luckily I can now fit into my skinny jeans (as if!) and am catching up on my emails.

Amongst the detritus in my inbox I found this amazing video that admittedly, had me teared up, and I think you'll feel the same way it too:



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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Noah - An Amazing New Film

An amazing film is being released soon. I say amazing in the pure definition of the word, not the overused, trite usage that teens today say every time something shiny comes along.

  1. 1.
    causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.
    "an amazing number of people registered"
    synonyms:astonishing, astounding, surprising, stunning,
    staggering, shocking,startling, stupefying, breathtaking; 

So what causes me to be astounded and surprised? Mainly the fact that someone has the foresight and cojones to actually make an epic film about Noah. 

So who is in it?

Anthony Hopkins, Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone, and some other people, but those are the 4 that I'll be going to the cinema to see.

And here's why:

Admittedly it is mainly fiction, apparently, when Christian screenwriter Brian Godawa acquired a copy of the script in October 2012, he posted an evaluation on his website with the title "Darren Aronofsky's Noah: Environmentalist Wacko".

Comparing it to what is said in the Bible, he said "If you were expecting a Biblically faithful retelling of the story of the greatest mariner in history and a tale of redemption and obedience to God you’ll be sorely disappointed." He predicted that the film "will be rejected by millions of devoted Bible readers worldwide because once again it subverts their own sacred narrative with a political agenda of pagan earth religion that is offensive to their Faith."

Personally, I think it looks like a very interesting movie and might be a good way to get people to read the book that the story is based on... 


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