Showing posts with label User (computing). Show all posts
Showing posts with label User (computing). Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kano: A Lego Computer

I'm more of a computer user than a computer maker, but I do wish that I could get more into the coding of programs, and not be dependent on those people in IT to help me with all of my computer based issues.

Until now I hadn't heard of any way of building a bare-bones computer yourself. No doubt these have existed, but really, the website for Kano is just out of this world ~ is a great way of finding new products and personally I have been interested enough in the product to put my hard earned money into funding the following:

99% Invisible, an incredibly interesting podcast that needed funding to create season 4
Monster Hunter International: Challenge Coins. Think challenge coins + vampires and werewolves
God Hates Astronauts - an insane comic book that, if I explained it to you, would have me incarcerated
The Monster Hunter International Employee's Handbook and RPG - a book load of artwork about MHI
And finally, ringbow, that was meant to be a finger based mouse, but turned into a rage infested tornado!

Anyhoo, Kano is a make it yourself computer;

What you get from Kano 

What you can make


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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Password Puzzle

mail, local banking, original bank account, work computer, work email, Google Analytics, AdWords, Webmaster tools, LinkedIn general, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook. CMS as work.

Gmail. iTunes. Office WiFi. Car.

Password (game show)
Password (game show) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just a few of the passwords / pass codes that I need to remember in my every day life.

Between you and me (please don't tell the world) the majority of access passwords are written down on scraps of paper and then pinned to my wall, that way, if someone wants to break into my Google Ads account then not only do they need to have an insane desire to do so, but they need to be in my office too!

Generic passwords are not my thing. Using 'Password' as a password seems a bit silly to me. Phone numbers mixed with dates or names are probably the best way to go. Or zip codes.

So here is a nearly plausible scenario about a standard recovery password.



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