Showing posts with label Social Sciences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Sciences. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Just Plain Ugly

I was watching an amazing National Geographic show about the American Wild West, narrated by none other than his amazingness, Timothy Olyphant, of Justified fame.

The show is either great or abysmal - I'm still undecided. Its one of those shows where they stand on the precipice of good taste by making analogies of basically everything. in this instance, to the Old Days of The Wild West. There are 'Homesteaders', 'varmints', and they even call a banana snail 'Slick'.

Yes, its that bad.

On the other hand, the photography is stunning, showing us another angle to the western side of the USA.

Oh, and the ugly? That'd be an underwater elf shown as an aside in the first show.

Yup - just plain ugly.


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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Organic piffle and tosh

I lived on different farms at different stages of my life. I've milked cows, picked eggs up from the hen house and done the more unpleasant jobs around the ol' homestead too. I won't go into detail as I have just eaten, and assume that you are not too far from a meal yourself.

ChickenImage by iLoveButter via Flickr

Sufficed to say, I have seen animals, from chicks to horses, from calves to bulls, being treated in many different ways.

The only time I have ever bought organic farm produce was when I misread the label and thought it said 'orgasmic'.

I am proud that Frank W James, he of 'Corn, beans, spent brass and a deadline', agrees with me;

I've said it thousand times before and I'll say it again, the 'Organic' food movement is the greatest scam since someone invented a 'pyramid' scheme and if you think I'm full of it, then answer me this simple question: WHO HAS GONE TO PRISON ON LENGTHY SENTENCES FOR FALSE LABELING OF FOOD AS 'ORGANIC' AFTER IT WAS PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW THAT IT WASN'T?

Cow (Swiss Braunvieh breed), below Fuorcla Ses...Image via Wikipedia

Is how he answers one critic, finishing with:

And in closing just to be clear, I believe People who believe Organic Food are, in fact, 100% 'Organic', 100% of the time, are FOOLS, COMPLETE AND UTTER FOOLS.
This guy is my hero!!

Go over to his blog and read the full tirade.
