Showing posts with label Unicycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unicycle. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Go - OK Go - Go!

Technology and it's impact on us, as a human race, has been the basis for my last few posts, both in how it is improving our lives (below), and how it might be killing us off too, but here is technology used for no other purpose than make an epic (and I use that word advisedly) music video.

OK Go is a pop group that I have been following since their first video way back when. Now they have not only used cutting edge technology in their video, in this case with Honda branded self stabilising unicycles, but they have used a drone to do the filming!

The artistry and imagination needed by so many people to not only make it work, but work so well, shows us all that not only is OK Go a band to follow, but restores my faith in the music industry!

Go - OK Go - Go!

Oh, and after 1 day of going online, they have over 4,452,000 views. That is pretty amazing in anyone's books.

