In my last post I added an image from Robb Allen's blog 'Sharp as a Marble'. I always found his blog interesting and actually laughed out loud (aka lol) at this one today.
Its about how to bloggingly behave.
Read the post and realise that lazy / selfish bloggers may have more than they bargained for on their pages.
They put up this (as I did)butafter stealing his bandwidth got this.
I have had some issues with it myself, namely that I want to change the preview in a feed to all of the blog, and not just the first 250ish digits. And I can't. And their Help Section is rubbish.
On the other hand the main moan I've heard form others is that the timing option - to send out a blog at a specific time and date - doesn't work. But this weekend it did it for me. Twice.
So I guess I won't be ranting about them this blog.