Thursday, October 3, 2013

Miley Cirus, Growing Up Can Be Painful

Recently Ms. Cyrus has hit headlines with her twerking at the MTV TVAs. I was surprised to see her plastering her nether regions all over the place as she has in fact got an exceptional voice and a veritable bag full of talent.

Unless, of course, this was all part of the publicity machine. My inner skeptic believes that this just might be the case. Why is that? Quite simply, I believe that she had reached the zenith of her talent, heck, she sang with The Queen of Country herself, Dolly Parton, and saw little or no increase in sales because of it.

About a year ago Miley did a series of back-to-basics 'Backyard Sessions' which were very well received by critics and the public alike, but again, sales were not good and she just came across as someone from another era.

So what is a young girl to do? She needs to sell albums - which is probably harder than ever now that everyone (ahem) downloads music, especially singles, off the interwebz. She has to make a name for herself, and quick so sadly, a-twerking she must go!

We can look at Miley's latest work 'wrecking ball' and see just how amazing her talent is, and once she calms down in her videos, stops being naked and licking sledgehammers, she'll have yet another middle aged, overweight geek following her (from a distance, not stalking her!~)

To add to all the publicity, Skinhead O'Connor has written Miley a letter asking her to stop prostituting herself for the sake of 'The Man'. So that'll give her something to think about.

Sinead O'Connor pens open letter to Miley Cyrus: 'Don't let the music business make a prostitute of you'


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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The US Government in Shutdown

I was a bit confused when I first heard that the US Government was shutting down because Congress had an issue getting their job done.

It turns out that certain arms of the government are not going to receive their funding so they started their quickest way of saving money - sending the employees off on unpaid leave or furlough.

According to my calculations, based on an article in the New York Times, 784,710 of the just under 2 million employees affected will go on furlough.

784710/2000000 = 0.392355

So 39%.

Not much really.

So why all the furore? Maybe because Washington's trash won't be picked up.

Or is it because Al Gore might just turn off the internet as he walks out of his office?

Al Gore, former Vice President of the United S...

kthanxbai! Jumblerant
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Monday, September 23, 2013

One Excellent Ad

Some products are really hard to sell and need some serious innovation to get the branding and messaging across, such as gas, fabric conditioner and tissues.

Similar to the amazing Dollar Shave ad that I spoke about here, there is a new twist on tampons.

Enjoy!! (no seriously, it is enjoyable).


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I Have No Idea How An Engine Works

Not an exactly true title there, and a bit embarrassing considering that I am an addict for Formula 1 but I think you get the point. Most people 'know' that a car engine works by turning the key and pressing on the accelerator.

This shows how an engine for a Triumph car was taken apart, and rebuilt.

I think the title for the video is very apt:

11 Months, 3000 Pictures and a lot of coffee


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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sugru - Making My Home A Better Place

** This post is in no way sponsored by Sugru**

I've always liked the idea of fixing things instead of throwing them away, and I despise just living with the problem because I just don't have the money to fix everything. And pay the mortgage. And buy food.

Recycling and reusing are very important to Her Indoors, and me, so anything that needn't be thrown away either sits around waiting to get fixed, or just gets used 'as is'. However, I came across a very interesting product recently called 'Sugru' and was looking into buying some.

Here is a short clip explaining the ethos behind Sugru - warning - there is a high possibility of dust getting in your eyes when watching this:

There is a large community behind the product and they happily share their 'How To' efforts on the website.
A product really needs to have good reviews for me to get to buy it on-line, and Sugru fit the description to a tee!

What I intend to do with Sugru and how:

1. Make custom fit ear-buds / ear phones for when I go hobbling round the block in a poor imitation of running.
2. Seal (again) the bath to the wall.
3. Fix plant pots to the walls. Or a deck chair. Or maybe the outside cupboard.
4. Show my Mum how to make handles and plugs easier for her to use
5. Plug the annoying hole in the cracked kitchen floor. And yeah, we bought the place like that.
6. And if I have any Sugru left at the end? I'm going to do a few of the '11 Ways to Improve Your Home'

So if I haven't managed to convince you that Sugru is the bastard son of super-glue and blutac, then here is a short list of things I intend to do with my 2nd and 3rd package of Sugru:

Fix the wife's broken sunglasses
Fix my son's favourite shoes
Reinforce the corners of my aquarium
Repair Upgrade my iPhone chargers, in the office, car and home:

If you have any further uses of Sugru, please let me know in the comments.


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Monday, September 16, 2013

Daddy, Where Do Aeroplanes Come From?



iPhone 5S - The Secret Behind The Technology

I happily have an iPhone 4. Very happy with it indeed. The pictures it takes are great, the iTunes software is evil-incarnate, but hey, that's going to be the same with any Apple product.

Personally, upgrading a phone because it weighs 7 grams less, or has an even better camera just doesn't make it pay for me. I have what I have and I am very happy with it.
Original iPhone + iPhone 3G + iPhone 4
Original iPhone + iPhone 3G + iPhone 4 

However, there is allegedly a new iPhone coming out very soon, and here are some of the details:


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