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Ewan McGregor via last.fm
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A bearded face, with long flowing hair, is plainly visible on the wooden door of the men’s toilet in the Braehead outlet of the Swedish furniture and meatballs giant.
You saw it here first. Well, second actually, original here at The Telegraph.
Some debate over whether the face truly represents the Son of Man, or whether it is in fact Gandalf out of the Lord of the Rings, or even a member of ABBA.
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Six-year-old Zachary Christie was so excited to become a Cub Scout that he brought his camping utensil to school. The tool serves as a spoon, a fork and a knife, and Zachary wanted to use it at lunch.Simple enough. I took my grandma's gas mask from World War 2 into school for show and tell. And I think my sister took me in once as well but I'm a bit more fuzzy on that one.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?? A kid brings in his own cutlery and gets suspended? I assume that they serve more than mere finger foods in their dining hall in Newark, Del., or are they all members of the canape and caviar crowd? At the age of 6.
What Zachary didn’t know was that the gizmo violated his school’s zero-tolerance policy on weapons. And now the Christina School District in Newark, Del., has suspended the first grader and ordered him to attend the district’s reform school for 45 days.
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The Christina School Board voted unanimously to amend the Code of Conduct for the 2009-2010 school year to allow individual schools and school administrators more discretion when deciding disciplinary actions for students in Kindergarten and First Grade.Surely thats why we have teachers in the first place? To use their common sense in how to teach our children the ways of the world?
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Lloyd Gardener came forward to answer a Crimewatch appeal after a woman was attacked and left for dead while walking home from a nightclub.A horrifying ordeal indeed. Mr Gardener realized that the man who did this must be apprehended and did the utmost to make sure that he was.She was found naked under a truck with a fractured skull, and is still confined to a wheelchair more than three years after her ordeal.
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Conditions became intolerable and in the course of 1941 the ghetto population was decimated by disease and malnutrition. Early the following year however, with Hitler's decision to implement the Endlösung, or final solution to "the Jewish question", plans were put in place to liquidate the ghetto and its remaining occupants entirely.
Go read more at the link: Marek Edelman
kthanxbai!Image by Smaku via Flickr
Dawn Cole writes a marvelous blog over at Not Going Postal. She wrote a very interesting blog at MySA, - "San Antonio's homepage", regarding President Obama's well earned Nobel Peace Prize for his work with. . .
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Oh, Nobel Peace Prize Committee. I understand. We've all been there.
You've been in a long-term relationship with someone who just doesn't understand you. Treated you like your feelings weren't important. Dissed your friends. Started giant fights that were just based on his wrong opinions, not grounded in facts.
Couldn't pronounce nuclear to save his life.
You knew you deserved better, and somehow, you finally found it in you to end things. You dried your eyes, and there "He" was.
Sparkly and handsome and smart, and he treats you so well: listens to your needs, takes you seriously, tells you you're important. He even talks in complete sentences.
And I'm so happy for you, really I am. I like him, too. I see a lot of long-term potential there. I think you and Barack Obama are going to be great together.
But honey, he's the rebound boyfriend. You don't just run off to Vegas and get married to someone just because he's not the other guy. You let things develop. You see if he's got what it takes, if he's for real.
You don't give him the Nobel Peace Prize on the first date, either. Bless your heart.
Gentle readers,Posted by Peter at 10/06/2009 12:01:00 AM
Peter is in the hospital from an incipient heart attack this afternoon. He's currently in critical care and stable. However, he lacks a laptop (and I'm a few time zones away, so I can't fetch it), as well as time and attention to blog, so no posts for the next few days.Peter from Bayou Renaissance Man
Will keep you updated at his request; kind thoughts and prayers are welcomed wholeheartedly.
Miss D
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Simple so far. Did the crime, do the time.Let’s recap that “matter of morals”: a 40-year-old man plies a 13-year-old girl with booze and drugs to get into her panties, and then proceeds to have sex with her despite her refusal. Now, I’m not a prude, but where I come from, we call that “raping a child”.
Charges were brought, the court agreed, the defendant Polanski pleaded guilty, and promptly skipped the country before the sentencing to evade the punishment.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's vitriolic attacks on the Jewish world hide an astonishing secret, evidence uncovered by The Daily Telegraph shows.
A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.
A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.
So Mr A is a closet Jew? Interesting.
Experts last night suggested Mr Ahmadinejad's track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.
Now aren't they clever? So a big hearty Mazel Tov to Mr. Ahmadinejad on finding out his roots. He must be kvelling.
Image by BenSpark via Flickr
look how cool my iPod Touch is. I can write my blog from it and ooops.