Sunday, February 7, 2010

Organic piffle and tosh

I lived on different farms at different stages of my life. I've milked cows, picked eggs up from the hen house and done the more unpleasant jobs around the ol' homestead too. I won't go into detail as I have just eaten, and assume that you are not too far from a meal yourself.

ChickenImage by iLoveButter via Flickr

Sufficed to say, I have seen animals, from chicks to horses, from calves to bulls, being treated in many different ways.

The only time I have ever bought organic farm produce was when I misread the label and thought it said 'orgasmic'.

I am proud that Frank W James, he of 'Corn, beans, spent brass and a deadline', agrees with me;

I've said it thousand times before and I'll say it again, the 'Organic' food movement is the greatest scam since someone invented a 'pyramid' scheme and if you think I'm full of it, then answer me this simple question: WHO HAS GONE TO PRISON ON LENGTHY SENTENCES FOR FALSE LABELING OF FOOD AS 'ORGANIC' AFTER IT WAS PROVEN IN A COURT OF LAW THAT IT WASN'T?

Cow (Swiss Braunvieh breed), below Fuorcla Ses...Image via Wikipedia

Is how he answers one critic, finishing with:

And in closing just to be clear, I believe People who believe Organic Food are, in fact, 100% 'Organic', 100% of the time, are FOOLS, COMPLETE AND UTTER FOOLS.
This guy is my hero!!

Go over to his blog and read the full tirade.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just got this from a friend

I just got this from a friend of a friend who helped out in Haiti, and it wasn't Team Rubicon.

Its doing the rounds of the blogiverse but I've not seen anyone jump up and correct it.

from Haiti – the other side — Let everybody know about this crap………

From A Retired Special Forces Sgt Major:

To All,

I just returned from Haiti with Hebler. We flew in at 3 AM Sunday to the scene of such incredible destruction on one side, and enormous ineptitude and criminal neglect on the other.


Port o Prince is in ruins. The rest of the country is fairly intact. Our team was a rescue team and we carried special equipment that locates people buried under the rubble. There are easily 200,000 dead, the city smells like a charnel house.

The bloody UN was there for 5 years doing apparently nothing but wasting US Taxpayers money. The ones I ran into were either incompetents or outright anti American. Most are French or french speakers, worthless every damn one of them. While 1800 rescuers were ready willing and able to leave the airport and go do our jobs, the UN and USAID
( another organization full of little OBamites and communists that openly speak against Americana) These two organizations exemplified their parochialism by:

Haiti Earthquake

- USAID, when in control of all inbound flights, had food and water flights stacked up all the way to Miami, yet allowed Geraldo Rivera, Anderson Cooper and a host of other left wing news puppies to land.

- Pulled all the security off the rescue teams so that Bill Clinton and his wife could have the grand tour, whilst we sat unable to get to people trapped in the rubble.

- Stacked enough food and water for the relief over at the side of the airfield then put a guard on it while we dehydrated and wouldn’t release a drop of it to the rescuers.

- No shower facilities to decontaminate after digging or moving corpses all day, except for the FEMA teams who brought their own shower and decon equipment, as well as air conditioned tents.

- No latrine facilities, less digging a hole if you set up a shitter everyone was trying to use it.

I watched a 25 year old Obamite with the USAID shrieking hysterically, berate a full bird colonel in the air force, because he countermanded her orders, whilst trying to unscrew the air pattern. ” You don’t know what your president wants! The military isn’t in charge here we are!”

Haiti Earthquake

If any of you are thinking of giving money to the Haitian relief, or to the UN don’t waste your money. It will only go to further the goals of the French and the Liberal left.

If we are a fair and even society, why is it that only white couples are adopting Haitian orphans. Where the hell is that vocal minority that is always screaming about the injustice of American society.

Bad place, bad situation, but a perfect look at the new world order in action. New Orleans magnified a thousand times. Haiti doesn’t need democracy, what Haiti needs is Papa Doc. That’s not just my opinion , that is what virtually every Haitian we talked with said. “the French run, the UN treat us the same as when we were a colony”, at least Papa Doc ran the country.

Oh, and as a last slap in the face the last four of us had to take US AIRWAY’s home from Phoenix. They slapped me with a 590 dollar baggage charge for the four of us. The girl at the counter was almost in tears because she couldn’t give us a discount or she would lose her job. Pass that on to the flying public.



Monday, February 1, 2010

Neptunus Lex blog of Jan 25

I have copied, in it's entirety Neptunus Lex's blog post of January 25th. I think you'll appreciate what he has to say. Personally I enjoyed reading the opinions expressed in the comments on his site:

The British medical periodical “Lancet” was once a beacon of science and reason in a world that badly needed both. Sadly, politically-motivated research led to an utterly rubbished 2004 article claiming that 100k Iraqi citizens had died violently in the year since the US invasion and occupation.

That should have been bad enough. But now they’ve doubled down:

It’s official. Britain’s premier medical journal Lancet has been completely Palestinianized. It no longer bears any relationship to the first-rate scientific journal it once was. Perhaps Lancet is no longer a standard-bearer but has become a follower in the global movement in which standards have plunged, biases have soared, and Big Lies now pass for top-of-the-line academic, scientific work…

Their study is titled: “Association between exposure to political violence and intimate-partner violence in the occupied Palestinian territory: a cross-sectional study.” And yes, they have found that Palestinian husbands are more violent towards Palestinian wives as a function of the Israeli “occupation”—and that the violence increases significantly when the husbands are “directly” as opposed to “indirectly” exposed to political violence.

Read the rest, ponder the plight of women in Araby and mourn the loss of objectivity.

* (en) Palestine Location * (he) מיקום פלסטיןImage via Wikipedia

Oh, for what it’s worth – George Soros provided around half the funding for the Iraqi mortality survey published by the Lancet. The Palestinian domestic violence article?

This study was funded by the Palestinian National Authority as well as by the Core Funding Group at the University of Minnesota. The Palestinian Authority is not a disinterested party. But even worse: The data was collected by the Palestinian Central Bureau. These are the people who told the world that Israeli soldiers shot young Mohammed al-Dura, committed a massacre in Jenin, and purposely attacked Palestinian civilians (who just happened to be jihadists dressed in civilian clothing or hostage-civilians behind whom the jihadists hid).

Once again, the science seems less driven by an objective analysis of the facts so much as the preferences of those holding the purse.

Read the original post here, with all of the links alive and kicking!


My iPad tuppence worth

Considering its just another product out there in the marketplace people tend to have some serious opinions about the iPad and Steve Jobs.

(this one is for you JR!)


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lady QI Gaga

Just as soon as you thought things were back to normal over here at Jumblerant here is what is going on inside my little head:

The Contestants Turn on Stephen Fry at QI

And of course, Lady Gaga's video to her very popular single Poker Face. With Christopher Walken.

And Cartman from South Park (just in case it started making sense!)


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Muslims demand withdrawal of rifle sights with Biblical references

An article last week in The National Post discussed the outrage felt by many Muslims after it was announced that many soldeirs in iraq and Afghanistan have been using telescopic sights with biblical references etched into them.

Muslim groups reacted angrily yesterday after it emerged that the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan were using rifle sights inscribed with coded Biblical references. Michigan-based contractor Trijicon has sold up to 800,000 of the sights to the U.S. military that were being used in combat. A statement posted on the Trijicon web-site said: "As part of our faith and our belief in service to our country, Trijicon has put scripture references on our products for more than two decades." According to ABC, one of the citations on the gunsights, 2COR4:6, is an apparent reference to Second Corinthians 4:6 of the New Testament. The passage reads: "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." The Muslim Public Affairs Council called on U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates to immediately withdraw the sights.

Muslims demand withdrawal of rifle sights with Biblical references, Jan 21

Personally I find it very similar to what support guys used to write on their bombs 'To Hitler with Love' or tankers wrote on their rides in WWII, or even what badges and pins soldiers wore in the field in 'Nam.

What gets me isn't the outrage shown by however many Muslim councils or spokespersons but the fact that some armchair warming committee member has decided what troops, in constant danger for their lives, can have written on their equipment.

You want them to not have biblical references on their person? Provide them with equipment with better motifs - I understand that the American Flag is going down quite well with the troops these days.


123456, password & abc123

Yup, they've caught up with your wily ways. Finally they've have been able to work out just what your password is, well, what the average password is anyway:

Amichai Shulman is the chief technology officer at Imperva, which makes software for thwarting hackers. Recently, he undertook a study of 32 million passwords stolen by an unknown hacker from Rockyou!, an online service that makes widgets for social networking sites like Facebook.

The list is depressing testimony to our collective lack of creativity in the arena of personal security.

“I guess it’s just a flaw in human genetics,” Shulman told the New York Times.

Personally I use an amalgam of my age, the year, my phone number, my sister's name (she has 5) and the postcode for my last abode.

Most people aren't so 'cautious' and use some very obvious passwords. Here are the top 20 in order of popularity:

1. 123456

2. 12345

3. 123456789

4. password

5. iloveyou

6. princess

7. rockyou

8. 1234567

9. 12345678

10. abc123

11. nicole

12. daniel

13. babygirl

14. monkey

15. jessica

16. lovely

17. michael

18. ashley

19. 654321

20. qwerty

If your password is in the above, I suggest you change it. Now!!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Venn vill I be famous?

The Venn Diagram is making a comeback.

Edwards' Venn diagram of six setsImage via Wikipedia

As we all know, Venn diagrams are diagrams that show all hypothetically possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets (groups of things).

Venn diagrams were conceived around 1880 by John Venn. They are used to teach elementary set theory, as well as illustrate simple set relationships in probability, logic, statistics, linguistics and computer science. *

As the above image shows, these diagrams can be very complicated and intricate.

Or they can be as simple as siblings' children;

Over at they regularly use Venn diagrams to get laughs at our everyday nonsense that we go through as humans. I prefer to use Mr. Venn's amazing creation to explain, in an easy and efficient manner, just how my life works;
Available on Twitter - @jumblerant

More Venn diagram buffoonery can be found at mental_floss's blog 'Miss Cellania's Files'.


* thanks to Mrs. Wiki and Mrs. Pedia

The Heavens Opened and God Smiled…

Brazenly stolen from the amazing CrankyLitProf over at Cranky Epistles.

And may the Lord have mercy on our souls....

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to prosper.”

– Benjamin Franklin


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Carpet is expensive

As a kid growing up in Trumpton and Chigley, my sister and I used to visit our friends on a Saturday afternoon and get bored with all the board games within minutes.

As most Saturdays in the UK in the '80s were rainy we had to stay indoors. How can you turn a boring TV room into a great game? Crocodile infested carpets!! Great fun until you break a leg. Or a sofa.

But this guy is taking it too far.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Team Rubicon part deux

Team Rubicon keep going from strength to strength and you can follow their Haiti aid and assist goal here, here and here.

Products created to pay for Team Rubicon's supplies and air fares can be found here at CafePress or you can do what I did which is wear a regular t-shirt, know in your heart that you are helping, and send them the cash directly to their PayPal account. Just saying...

The above is a photo taken by the Team last night, of supplies just sitting at the airport.

As Haiti falls from the headlines we should not forget that Team Rubicon are still there helping the wounded and the scarred and scared.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Team Rubicon

We've all heard of the horrifying earthquakes in Haiti and the rather pathetic and quite unacceptable physical response from around the world.

According to most accounts I have read there is a large quantity of supplies stuck at the airport. Planes loaded with more assistance are being turned away for goodness knows what reasons.

And as a result people are dying.

What did you do about it? Probably the same as I, read some more news articles, forward some e-mails, maybe even donate $25 to a reliable charity and move on to the next article.

Not everyone is like us.

Jake Wood was a Marine Sniper in Afghanistan. He left the service and was kicking back and enjoying his life after a very stressful few years. When he heard about the earthquake he also felt bad and wanted to help. Except being a Marine and therefore medically trained to a certain level, he decided to head down there and help. But why go alone? He gathered some friends and other volunteers and traveled down there on their own dime.

Team Rubicon member Dr David Griswell, like yesterday, becomes the lead physician in the outdoor General Hospital. "It's a disaster. There is no drinking water

The team don't just serve as a first responder for injuries but they also help move power lines, inspect damaged buildings such as hospitals and gathering points and they also have to keep themselves, and others from wasting energy asking why such numb-skulls are visiting at a time when they're body weight in water or gauze pads or antibiotics would better serve the people.

With no structural engineer available, Team Rubicon Firefighters Jeff Lang and Craig Parello conduct the initial structural damage assessment on the General Hospital after the 6.1 quake this morning.

You knew this asshole was going to show up. (direct quote!)

Team Rubicon member Dr. Dolhun inspects a 4 hour old baby born in the street outside the General Hospital.
Go to the website, read the blogs, follow them on Twitter and donate. Whatever you do, please pass this on!


Something for when you are bored

When you have a few minutes to kill I suggest you look up the website below. You simply put in an address and you see an actual photo of the place. On the side there is a little blue man who you can move around to get different views of the street.

Above is VPIKE's view of my sister's house. And her car in the drive.

And if you recognize this house please leave me a note in the comments...

A very interesting little software. Invasive of your privacy? I suggest you go and check it out. Oh, and it's as addictive as crack cocaine with nicotine added.

VPIKE - be ready to lose the next few hours.


T-shirt spelling mistake

And no, I make no money off the sale of this particular shirt.

lolmart shirts, kthxbai
see more Lolcats and funny pictures


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hudson River landing amalgam

This video has been doing the rounds of twitter and the blogosphere after Captain Sullenberger was voted one of the top personalities of the decade. Normally I wouldn't care too much but it really made me realise just what an amazing, and speedy incident it was.


Monday, January 18, 2010

UNacceptable, UNimpressed and now UNderfunded

The most calm and collected country in existance is probably Holland but Canada comes a close second.

UNRWA LogoImage via Wikipedia

It therefore behooves me to mention that there must be something seriously fudged up at UNWRA (United Nations Refugee Works Agency) which administers 59 refugee camps for Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendants who left their homes in the wake of the 1948 war.

UNRWA maintains Palestinian Arab refugees in their facilities under the premise and promise of return to homes and villages from 1948 that no longer exist.

So what is the matter here then? Seems like a perfectly normal United Nations way of wasting money.

Canada has not only stopped paying into, but has actually withdrawn funds from UNWRA because it has been documented that Hamas terrorists have been chosen by the UNRWA labor union to actually administer UNRWA facilities.

Yes, it actually takes a report commissioned by the European Parliament to get people to notice whats happening in UNWRA. So why has only Canada left UNWRA and no-one who actually has a seat at the European Parliament? I don't know either!!

Here is the original article in The Bulletin, Philadelphia's Family Newspaper.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

I heart Walmart

I miss Walmart. Whenever I used to travel to the USA I used to Mapquest how far my hotels (Fairfield Inns, anyway) were from the nearest Walmart and spend my free weekends going to 2 or 3 of them.

Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market in Winter Springs...Image via Wikipedia

Really, you can get everything there. I loved the idea that not only could you buy great snacks and drinks but also handguns, ammunition and caravans!

Those crazy kooks over at have created a Walmart Rap, an ode if you will, to the variety and greatness* that is the Walmart.

*please be advised that this high level of sarcasm can only be used safely by an Englishman with a highly elitist secondary education. This blog contains no peanuts or peanut derivatives.


The kids of today

So whats it all about? Where are we going adn what are we leaving our children and our children's children?

According to Tom Brokaw we are seeing the end of the 'Greatest Generation'. Surviving fighters of the Second World War, as well as Holocaust Survivors are dying off and we are left, at best, with video interviews and autobiographies. So where are we, the children of the children?

I hadn't given it much thought until I saw this video, and I suggest that you too watch it to the end:

Hat tip to Old Plod


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tiger's Transgressions

Do you have what it takes to be a top class golfer? Can you keep your cool under pressure? Do you want to be the next Tiger Woods?

President Barack Obama greets professional gol...Image via Wikipedia

Have a go at the game here, I think you'll enjoy it. (And I don't even like golf!)

Hat tip to Throw The Ball Already


Friday, January 15, 2010

Incredible Climber

Incredible Climber over at Now Thats Nifty. Mind boggling in fact. SAdly, being an incompetent buffoon, I am unable to import the video here so you don't really have an option but to visit Now That's Nifty to see it.

Nat makes her way up Balthazar (12) in the Bou...Image via Wikipedia

If you think its a fake then can tell me how it's done?
