True Blue by David Baldacci.
I have a shelf of Baldacci's books and am a great admirer of his abilities. Sadly, in his latest book 'True Blue', he creates characters who are unbelievable and pens an ending that is nothing short of whimpering.
The main character is an ex-cop who is just finishing her 2 years in prison. Her sister is a cop - just happens to be the Chief of Police for a small town called.... Washington DC. Really? A believable story being weaved already I feel.
A body is found in a fridge in a lawyer's office, another one found in a dumpster and everyone but the right people get blamed.
Oh, and there is a car chase, a bike chase and some shootings too. And the government are killing people for no real defined reason.
I forgot to mention that some poor, hard working youngsters are saved by a billionaire for no apparent reason. And he has Navy SEALs patrolling his garden for some strange and badly explained purpose.
Worth a read? Probably. Worth buying off the shelf? Definitely not. Go borrow a friend's copy and judge it for yourself.
Mr. Baldacci, if you're reading this, try again please - with believable characters and a plot that we can actually follow!
Bringing you interesting articles, pictures and views from around the Blogosphere and the Interwebs.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hang Up
I haven't driven in the USA for a while but the first thing I noticed today was that everyone, but everyone, was on their bloody mobile phones!! Get off the bloody things already you nonce - its a hazard of inordinate proportions!!
Oh, and by the way, if there is roadworks and a gigantic dip of maybe an inch, in the road, then don't slow down your huge SUV to go over it. Its a 4 x 4 huge gas guzzling monster and your air filled rubber tyres can take it.
And if they can't then you have no option but to change your clunker of a car.
Thus endeth the rant
Oh, and by the way, if there is roadworks and a gigantic dip of maybe an inch, in the road, then don't slow down your huge SUV to go over it. Its a 4 x 4 huge gas guzzling monster and your air filled rubber tyres can take it.
And if they can't then you have no option but to change your clunker of a car.
Thus endeth the rant
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Go Easy on the Gas
Every now and then we all need a little reminder about just how fatal our little cars can be. It hit a real nerve when I watched it.
Watch and learn.
Watch and learn.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Right to Build
I saw this and thought it was an interesting little look at the US President, 9/11 and anti-Israel sentiment in this decade.
What do you think?
The Right to Build: "
Hattip: Mitch
What do you think?
The Right to Build: "

Hattip: Mitch
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monster Hunter Vendetta
Pre-order your signed copy now!
I loved his first book Monster Hunter International - even though monsters and vampires are not 'my thing'. Well worth a read.
For a signed copy of his second book, Monster Hunter Vendetta you might like to try this link here.
I loved his first book Monster Hunter International - even though monsters and vampires are not 'my thing'. Well worth a read.
For a signed copy of his second book, Monster Hunter Vendetta you might like to try this link here.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Those Zionist trousers
Ian O'Doherty, in the Irish Independent, takes note of the Gaza Mall:

In 1947, Arabs from Palestine who dared break the Arab boycott against Palestinian Jews were subject to firebombs and murders. When will we see calls from some ideological moron from Olympia, WA to punish the Gazans for helping the Israeli economy?
And thus endeth the rant.
Gaza is, we're (un)reliably informed, the world's largest open-air prison. Indeed, in some of the more excitable circles of the anti-Israeli lobby, it's often referred to as a concentration camp; an analogy so obnoxious that it doesn't even merit mention.It is amusing that the BDS'ers have been silent about how Gazans are so happy to have Israeli goods available to them again, after years of being stuck with crap from their fellow Egyptian Arabs.
And in a flyer for a fundraising gig organised by the Irish Anti-War Movement (they're not really anti-war, just anything to do with the Yanks and Israel), they said: "Since the Israeli attack in December 2009, which killed over 1,400, the people of Gaza have been suffering the worst conditions ever. Israel's continuous siege of Gaza and blockade of humanitarian aid makes even the basic necessities such as school material for children, medical supplies etc an impossibility (sic)..."
How terrible. But the Gazans have one thing to look forward to -- they opened a giant, fully stocked shopping mall this week.
And among the delights on offer are, according to its website: "air conditioning, a parking lot, security guards, a full service supermarket and a food court."
It also boasts: "Israeli trousers at reasonable prices."
So, you can hate the evil Zionist pig-dog entity that will soon disappear if Allah has his way (praise be upon him) but, in fairness, the Jews make comfy chinos, so we'll make an exception.
But just this once, mind.
In 1947, Arabs from Palestine who dared break the Arab boycott against Palestinian Jews were subject to firebombs and murders. When will we see calls from some ideological moron from Olympia, WA to punish the Gazans for helping the Israeli economy?
And thus endeth the rant.
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Friday, August 6, 2010
The economy is so bad that…
The economy is so bad that…Stolen word for word from JayG over at MArooned
- I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
- I ordered a burger at McDonald's and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?"
- CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
- Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
- My ATM gave me an IOU!
- A stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
- I saw a Mormon polygamist with only one wife.
- I bought a toaster oven and my free gift with purchase was a bank.
- If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
- McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
- Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.
- Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names.
- My cousin had an exorcism but couldn't afford to pay for it, and they re-possessed her!
- A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.
- Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore.
- A picture is now only worth 200 words.
- They renamed Wall Street " Wal-Mart Street ."
- When Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room.
- The Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali pirates.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
Answer Me This!
Helen & Olly present one of the most amazing podcasts around, but if you're not into podcasts then here are a few of their videos on YouTube about Good ol' Great Britain;
Their old podcasts are available on iTunes and, if you're not too squeamish about a bit of swearing - go there and buy them. NOW!!
Their old podcasts are available on iTunes and, if you're not too squeamish about a bit of swearing - go there and buy them. NOW!!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Living MOH Recipient
After the UK increased the number of living Victoria Cross winners a few years ago the American Military Machine are finally waking up to the fact that they have no sight to the end of a war that has already gone on for 11 years.
There is finally going to be a living recipient of the Medal of Honor.
And you'll never need to buy another drink in a bar. Ever.
There is finally going to be a living recipient of the Medal of Honor.
SSG Sal Giunta, a paratrooper w/ the 173rd Airborne, will be awarded the first Medal of Honor given to a living recipient since the Vietnam War. He earned this by charging a group of Taliban who were trying to make off with a wounded comrade in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan. His actions broke the Taliban’s attack and allowed him to regain control of SGT Josh Brennan. He also saved the lives of the many other members of his unit who had been caught in a fixed ambush by the Taliban. Giunta didn’t hesitate one second before advancing on his own to ensure the enemy would never take one of ours, but sadly Josh Brennan was too badly wounded to survive. His cousin PVT Joe Brennan recently graduated airborne school and has joined the same unit proudly carrying on Josh’s memory.Congratulations SSG Sal Giunta, a grateful nation salutes you.
And you'll never need to buy another drink in a bar. Ever.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
Going All Serious
Don't worry, I'm only getting all serious for this one post.
I just get so upset by what is happening in Israel that I want to post a couple of these YouTube videos and get your reactions.
And it says a lot when a normal teenager decides to post a literate, concise plea for help from the world:
And a nice prize is on offer for anyone who can answer all of Dry Bones' questions below:
I just get so upset by what is happening in Israel that I want to post a couple of these YouTube videos and get your reactions.
And it says a lot when a normal teenager decides to post a literate, concise plea for help from the world:
And a nice prize is on offer for anyone who can answer all of Dry Bones' questions below:
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
Muppets and OK GO
I can't believe it myself but its true!!
There I was innocently going to the 'This American Life' website to tell them just how amazing their podcasts are (and they are like WOW) when I found this very interesting YouTube video that combines some of my life's loves - The Muppets and 'OK GO'
There I was innocently going to the 'This American Life' website to tell them just how amazing their podcasts are (and they are like WOW) when I found this very interesting YouTube video that combines some of my life's loves - The Muppets and 'OK GO'
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Friday, July 9, 2010
Wear Under Armour and Support the Wounded Warrior Project
One thing that many don’t know about Under Armour is how much they support our troops. In addition to sponsoring military and veteran hospital visits by sport celebrities, they are also big supporters of the Wounded Warrior Project. And you can be too with UA’s new line of signature WWP products. The selections include a Polo as well as Long and Short Sleeve Tees emblazoned with the WWP logo.

Additionally, you can directly support a Wounded Warrior by ordering an ultra cool Backpack gift that comes stuffed with the following products:
UA won’t forget your generosity. They’ll send you a numbered, limited-edition token of their appreciation.
Direct link here
Copied word for word the amazing website Soldier Systems
Additionally, you can directly support a Wounded Warrior by ordering an ultra cool Backpack gift that comes stuffed with the following products:
UA Zone Backpack
UA Flex Jacket
UA Flex Short
UA Tech™ T
4-Pack of UA Socks
UA Boxer Jock (Men’s)
UA Hipster Underwear (Women’s)
UA Flex Jacket
UA Flex Short
UA Tech™ T
4-Pack of UA Socks
UA Boxer Jock (Men’s)
UA Hipster Underwear (Women’s)
Direct link here
Copied word for word the amazing website Soldier Systems
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
American on Purpose, The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot
American on Purpose, The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot by Craig Ferguson
Yes, that Craig Ferguson.
I’m not a huge fan of his. I liked him in The Drew Carey Show and he was an interesting actor in a few films and sitcoms. But I do like him on The Late Late Show. One episode really got to me, the one where he talks from the heart about why he became an American citizen. It is on YouTube in 4 or 5 parts – go Google it!!
I bought this book because I respected the guy and I wanted to see what his story was.
Its an interesting story about a Scottish lad who actually didn’t have it so tough, turned to comedy and mad a go of it. The real story is in how he made it despite of himself. Drugs, women and kilts.
Oh, and did I mention that he is an alcoholic? And was serious about committing suicide at least one time?
An interesting guy, an interesting book and definitely worth a read.
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Monday, July 5, 2010
I'm Back
My apologies which are an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense.
I been a bad boy. I gone been and not done my blogging.
Regular service will resume momentarily.
I been a bad boy. I gone been and not done my blogging.
Regular service will resume momentarily.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I've said it before
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
this great music video - beats the bollards out of Micheal Jackson multi-million dollar videos
And here is a little behind the scenes info from 3 of the PhDs behind the video, OK GO - Rube Goldberg Machine
this great music video - beats the bollards out of Micheal Jackson multi-million dollar videos
And here is a little behind the scenes info from 3 of the PhDs behind the video, OK GO - Rube Goldberg Machine
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Vuvuzela, Venzuela,
The world is looking at South Africa now, and more specifically at the World Cup 2010, of which Nelson Mandela is rightfully proud.
South Africa is showing that it can be a host to a world event, especially after all the worries about the astonishingly high level of violence and crime in certain areas of the country.
There are still issues with the South Africans though, and something that is ruining the occasion of today's football greats playing each other and that is the vuvuzlea.
No, not the Plavalaguna character from the Bruce Willis film, The Fifth Element, but rather a long trumpet or bugle that gives out an insidious noise. And the buggers keep blowing them throughout the match!
As if the players didn't have enough excuses as to why they lost the game / missed the shot / couldn't concentrate on kicking the ball.
Vuvuzelas in action at the World Cup 2010
Personally I fear that Diego Maradona is taking his integration into South African society a bit too seriously -
South Africa is showing that it can be a host to a world event, especially after all the worries about the astonishingly high level of violence and crime in certain areas of the country.
There are still issues with the South Africans though, and something that is ruining the occasion of today's football greats playing each other and that is the vuvuzlea.
No, not the Plavalaguna character from the Bruce Willis film, The Fifth Element, but rather a long trumpet or bugle that gives out an insidious noise. And the buggers keep blowing them throughout the match!
As if the players didn't have enough excuses as to why they lost the game / missed the shot / couldn't concentrate on kicking the ball.
Vuvuzelas in action at the World Cup 2010
Personally I fear that Diego Maradona is taking his integration into South African society a bit too seriously -
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Thursday, June 10, 2010
The kids of today
Not like in my day when we had marching bands and ghillie suits. Oh wait, that can't be right....
But they did bring us the internet classic which has over 51,444,817 hits with them dancing all over treadmills.
As well as this great music video - beats the bollards out of Micheal Jackson multi-million dollar videos.
But they did bring us the internet classic which has over 51,444,817 hits with them dancing all over treadmills.
As well as this great music video - beats the bollards out of Micheal Jackson multi-million dollar videos.
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Sunday, June 6, 2010
6th June sixty six years ago
Real tributes to the troops who landed and fought from 6th June 1944 until the bitter end. Whenever that individually happened.
Exile In Portales
Great Satan's Girlfriend
And go here and read this 1st hand account of D-Day
What I remember should not be erased from human memory.... I must write.... I must write now
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Friday, June 4, 2010
Fast-roping 101
Abu Muqawama has this instructional diagram for use by the IDF in any and all future fast-roping activities;
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3 Boxes of BS - On A Personal Note
I strongly suggest you go over there and read it.
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