Friday, May 25, 2012

Anchorman 2 Teaser Trailer

I love me some Will Ferrell, in my opinion one of the funniest men on the planet today, he repeatedly pushes the boundary of comedy in a way that even the best improv stand up hasn't done in a long time (beginning when Drew Carey beat humour to death as the host on Whose Line Is It Anyway).

Anyhoo, mix Mr. Ferrel with other comedic talents such as Dave Koechner, Paul Rudd and His Comedic Highness the Steve of Carell, we just know that Anchorman 2 is going to be one long laughfest. With a little bit of 'oh no, you didn't' in the middle somewhere.
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 

So here, for your viewing pleasure, a little teaser for Anchorman 2.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Care Goes A Long Way

Due to honour, gratitude and a sense of belief in society, a strong tradition has grown in certain areas of  Japan to perform the 4th Movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

A beautiful piece itself, which I am sure you'll recognise, is performed below by 10,000 Japanese singers. Yes, 10,000!!

The whole story can be found here at Bayou Renaissance Man's blog 'I Daresy Beethoven Was Looking Down and Smiling'

I hope that your socks are as knocked off as mine were!


Kids Today!

We all know that when we were kids it was tougher, harder and there was more crime, morbidity and less smiles.

So its nice to see that some kids are just out there having fun and challenging themselves.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

James Bond is Back!

Jimmy B is coming back with what looks like another amazing, action packed. stunning movie.

And for a change, I think I might even go and watch it in the cinema / movie theatre.

I've not been to a cinema since 19 December 2003, when the 3rd part of the Lord of the Rings Saga was released, I just don't like them. Everyone crammed in to a small area, sharing the movie experience with complete strangers - just not my thing.

With the new era of deluxe cinema experiences I think I'd like to take Mrs. Jumblerant out and show her what modern snack eating and soda drinking is all about.

Description unavailable

And, in this glorious celebratory year for Queen Elizabeth II, I'll get to see a bit of Ol' Blighty in the process!

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Confused and Slightly Worried

I guess its nothing too serious but I have recently become somewhat discombobulated by something that really shouldn't disturb me.

A few newly created fruit.

Yes, I know that fruits are the means by which many plants disseminate seeds. Many plants bearing edible fruits, in particular, have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition, respectively; in fact, humans and many animals have become dependent on fruits as a source of food. Including my parents.

So why should my nose get out of joint because we have a few new fruits? Because its odd. It's Dolly the Sheep all over again.

Dolly the sheep, National Museums of Scotland,...
Dolly the sheep, National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh The world's first cloned sheep, now a stuffed exhibit in the Chambers Street museum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So if you're going to muck around at least take 2 serious fruits and make them into something funtastic - pineapple and kiwi, coconut and banana, strawberry and a guava.

Fruit stall in a market in Barcelona, Spain. F...
This is what the world can look forward to:

    Tangelo - A citrus fruit hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit
    Grapple - Apple that has been specially treated so that it tastes like grapes.
    Aprium - Complex crossing of a plum and an apricot.
    Orangelo - A cross between a grapefruit and an orange
    Plumcot - Another plum/apricot hybrid.
    Pineberry - A white-looking strawberry with flesh tasting of pineapple.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bing booboo

I recently received an email from Bing inviting me to 'Be one of the first to try out the new Bing'.

Very nice! Maybe they're ready to fight Google for search engine presence, maybe its a revolution that's going to rock the internet. Facebook IPO?

This might be just the announcement to knock the multi-billion dollar Facebook off headline news.

So I click on the link, anticipating a change that'll knock my socks off.

Oh yeah baby. Here we go.

The revolution is here.

Google is going to be toppled!

Silly buggers!

Oh well, back to trustworthy and reliable

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

You Know What Makes Me Laugh?

You Know What Makes Me Laugh?

This does. Quite quickly and for a long time!

And this makes me laugh even more!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maurice Sendak dies at 83 - Where The Wild Things Were

Cover of "Where the Wild Things Are"
Cover of Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak dies at 83; artist and writer best known for "Where the Wild Things Are".

I never read this iconic book as a child, but oddly enough, my wife bought a copy for our 3 year old just last week, so I read it just the other day.

I didn't realise that illustrating a book could be so deep and meaningful, but here is Mr. Sendak explaining his way in life. I found this short video to be even more interesting than most books I've read in the last 5 years;

And here he is on life and death.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Focusing on Important Matters

I've been a bit bored at my 3am wake up calls recently, so I had a chance to surf t't web. And look what I found out about myself!

How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?

A great website let me add.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Funny, moving and uplifting

Ricky Gervais
Cover of Ricky Gervais
It was a shock to me.

A stunning, out of the blue, not heard of before shock.

Ricky Gervais, who is not my favorite comedian, although I find his work interesting, came out with an amazing,  pilot for a show.The show, which follows care-worker Derek Noakes and his colleagues in a retirement home, was generally well-received by even the most ardent critics of Gervais.

Personally, I was confused at first, then charmed, and then won over.

Its a good pilot - I just wonder what the series will be like.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Viral video - before it's gone viral!

I love me some social media - a bit of facebook, twitter and of course a blog here or there.

So this video, which is bound to go viral, rocked my world!

Enjoy -



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

FB Friend of Will Ferrell

I'm a Facebook friend of Will Ferrel, are you?

Actually I'm not. Even though I do tend to live on Facebook over the weekends, he ain't no friend of mine! But the new video he has put up regarding his latest movie “Casa de mi Padre” is very funny.

And I have produced it here for your delectation:

And as long as we're on the subject, here is some more Will Ferrel amazingness:

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Monday, March 19, 2012

The iPad 3 - Not So Noticeably Different

So you remember in my last post I wrote about the iPad (3) aka The iPad?

Its just down here Anyway, I wasn't the only one to be underwhelmed by the new iPad. This chap went out and did some serious testing of his own.

we decided to set up a little test and see what happens when the iPad 2 and the new iPad are placed side-by-side. Could anyone actually tell the difference? Find out in the video below: 

Scary stuff eh? I think we'll be sticking with the iPad 2 for the time being.

And anyway, I'm still waiting for my hover-board and meal in a pill that we were all promised in the last decade!

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

iPad 3 - Doesn't exist?

I have just ordered Her Indoors an iPhone 4 (she don't need no Siri!). And what do I see straight after? An amazing rant about the next iPad.

Have a great time watching there placid rant.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Game of Thrones + Simpsons

My favorite TV show of 2011 was Game of Thrones. It had great acting, some very interesting plot lines, and for someone as bitter and twistde as myself, some great 'wow' moments.

Being a Brit I tend to recognise the actors in any UK show due to the limted pool of talent, and here was no exception. However, instead of going with the normal plot of 'he's a well known actor, he'll survive anything', heads come flopping off as if there's no tomorrow!

Definitely worth watching, and if you don't believe me, ask Homer (well Matt G. anyway)


And here's the real thing for my pal 'Roro'who probably still hasn't watched it!

Now, let's be careful put there...


Monday, March 5, 2012

For my good chum, Wirecutter over at Knuckledraggin My Life Away


S#it We Say

It started with the original 'Shit Girls Say':

Moved on to "Shit White Girls say to Black Girls'

Peaked at 'Shit Nobody Says'

Bottomed out at 'Shit Cats Say'

Came back up with 'Shit New Yorkers Say'

And then entered my life with this one:


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Old Spicy Man

My dad used Old Spice, you know in that ceramic dispenser that would never break, or let you know how much product was left in it!

English: A bottle of Old Spice cologne. Españo...
Image via Wikipedia
So that was nice. And then I guess he got a deal on some Tabac, so he moved to that.

All well and good. And then Old Spice decided that they actually wanted to make money, and so they started advertising all over the place. IndyCar, posters, banner ads and then they revolutionised TV advertising by created some amazing ads. And some not so amazing ones.

And behind the scenes -

And Grover had me laughing out loud! 

Which ads do you like? 

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

I found me a new hero!

I've been a Formula 1 racing fan for many years now, going back to my childhood in the 80's.

Fast women and loose cars; its what I do.

Anyway, I've been living in a country that doesn't have an F1 presence, for the last 15 years and even though I'm originally a Brit, none of the UK based drivers really excite me.

And then I found him when our eyes met over a YouTube video.

A driver who is hungry for a win, has proven himself in the past, is willing to push the boundaries slightly, and best of all, works for a British F1 team.

Lady and gentlemen, I present to you - Vitaly Petrov. My new Formula 1 driver.

And why the hero part in the blog title? Because as well as having to deal with the British media on a daily basis, garner sponsorship for himself and, it appears, fight for his drive every season, he still has to drive exceptionally fast around a track with other, like-minded nutters.

We haven't had a death in Formula 1 since Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton de Silva Senna in 1994, but five drivers have died while driving a Formula One car at the NĂĽrburgring; only the Indianapolis Motor Speedway has had more casualties!

Sadly Dan Wheldon died in October in Las vegas whilst racing in IndyCar, so these guys are not just fancy hair and interesting accents. This is serious stuff.

So, well done Vitaly - and good luck!

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tiny UAVs Flying in Formation

This is a Creepy-Cool Video of what already exists, and that can be shared with the public.

The future is here.

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