Monday, May 13, 2013

Will The Media Show You This Photo?

Having worked alongside some fine men in the military and police in Israel, and other countries. I can assure you that this border policeman is using the utmost control that you can imagine.

But I guess this photo isn't worth publishing:

Let's break it down a bit further;

The policeman is armed, probably with a standard M16A2, also, almost definitely with a magazine in already, although as he is not wearing a helmet, I assume that he does not have a round up the chamber. He is not even touching his weapon.

Now let's see how many members of the 'International Press' are in this image, discounting the one who took the photo;

At least five that I can see.

So this policeman is having the following done to him that any law enforcement agent I know would arrest someone for:

1. Someone in his face, not keeping a respectful distance
2. Touching him, whilst not illegal, is exceptionally close to 'assaulting an officer'
3. Initiating a fight with a law enforcement agent. This man holding the flag doesn't look to me, that his purpose is to give the nice officer a hug. 'Incitement'

With at least 6 members of the international press present, the photo and video footage of this policeman showing exceptional restraint doesn't get any air time. I guess he just needs to follow the stereotypical image of an Israeli thug and needs to bash this man around the head to get his 15 minutes of fame.

I can promise you that if the man holding the flag were to do what he is doing to an American or British policeman he would already have been laid out flat on the floor with the 'bracelets' being put on his wrists.

I guess the truth just hurts too much...

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Eli Beer at TEDMED 2013

This is a great little TedMed talk given by Eli Beer about the nation-wide volunteer organisation that saves thousands of lives every year.

It crosses boundaries of religion, race and colour and has changed the way that emergency responders are looked at the world over.

It all began with one guy full of chutzpa...

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Letter to the World from Jerusalem

I read this letter over the weekend and was amazed at how accurate it was.

Having lived in Jerusalem between 2001 and 2010 I can completely understand where the author is coming from:

A Letter to the World from Jerusalem
by Eliezer Ben Yisrael
I am not a creature from another planet, as you seem to believe. I am a Jerusalemite like yourselves, a man of flesh and blood. I am a citizen of my city, an integral part of my people.

December 1917. Jewish Legion soldiers at the W...
December 1917. Jewish Legion soldiers at the Western Wall after the British take-over of Jerusalem 
I have a few things to get off my chest. Because I am not a diplomat, I do not have to mince words. I do not have to please you, or even persuade you. I owe you nothing. You did not build this city; you did not live in it; you did not defend it when they came to destroy it. And we will be damned if we will let you take it away.

There was a Jerusalem before there was a New York. When Berlin, Moscow, London, and Paris were miasmal forest and swamp, there was a thriving Jewish community here. It gave something to the world which you nations have rejected ever since you established yourselves - a humane moral code.

Here the prophets walked, their words flashing like forked lightning. Here a people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone, fought off waves of heathen would be conquerors, bled and died on the battlements, hurled themselves into the flames of their 
burning Temple rather than surrender, and when finally overwhelmed by sheer numbers and led away into captivity, swore that before they forgot Jerusalem, they would see their tongues cleave to their palates, their right arms wither.
Jews Place of Wailing, Jerusalem
Jews Place of Wailing, Jerusalem 
For two painfilled millennia, while we were your unwelcome guests, we prayed daily to return to this city. Three times a day we petitioned the Almighty: “Gather us from the four corners of the world, bring us upright to our land; return in mercy to Jerusalem, Thy city, and dwell in it as Thou promised.” On every Yom Kippur and Passover, we fervently voice the hope that next year would find us in Jerusalem.

Your inquisitions, pogroms, expulsions, the ghettos into which you jammed us, your forced baptisms, your quota systems, your genteel anti-Semitism, and the final unspeakable horror, the holocaust (and worse, your terrifying disinterest in it) - all these have not broken us. They may have sapped what little moral strength you still possessed, but they forged us into steel. 

Do you think that you can break us now after all we have been through? Do you really believe that after Dachau and Auschwitz we are frightened by your threats of blockades and sanctions? 

We have been to Hell and back a Hell of your making. What more could you possibly have in your arsenal that could scare us?
I have watched this city bombarded twice by nations calling themselves civilized. In 1948, while you looked on apathetically, I saw women and children blown to smithereens, after we agreed to your request to internationalize the city. It was a deadly combination that did the job. British officers, Arab gunners, and American made cannons. And then the savage sacking of the Old City; the wilful slaughter, the wanton destruction of every synagogue and religious school; the desecration of Jewish cemeteries; the sale by a ghoulish government of tombstones for building materials, for poultry runs, army camps - even latrines.

And you never said a word.

You never breathed the slightest protest when the Jordanians shut off the holiest of our places, the Western Wall, in violation of the pledges they had made after the war - a war they waged, incidentally, against the decision of the UN. Not a murmur came from you whenever the legionnaires in their spiked helmets casually opened fire upon our citizens from behind the walls.

Your hearts bled when Berlin came under siege. You rushed your airlift "to save the gallant Berliners". But you did not send one ounce of food when Jews starved in besieged Jerusalem. You thundered against the wall which the East Germans ran through the middle of the German capital - but not one peep out of you about that other wall, the one that tore through the heart of Jerusalem.

And when that same thing happened 20 years later, and the Arabs unleashed a savage, unprovoked bombardment of the Holy City again, did any of you do anything?
The only time you came to life was when the city was at last reunited. Then you wrung your hands and spoke loftily of "justice" and need for the "Christian" quality of turning the other cheek.

The truth is - and you know it deep inside your gut - you would prefer the city to be destroyed rather than have it governed by Jews. No matter how diplomatically you phrase it, the age old prejudices seep out of every word.

If our return to the city has tied your theology in knots, perhaps you had better re-examine your catechisms. After what we have been through, we are not passively going to accommodate ourselves to the twisted idea that we are to suffer eternal 
homelessness until we accept your saviour.

For the first time since the year 70 there is now complete religious freedom for all in Jerusalem. For the first time since the Romans put a torch to the Temple, everyone has equal rights. (You prefer to have some more equal than others.) We loathe the sword - but it was you who forced us to take it up. We crave peace - but we are not going back to the peace of 1948 as you would like us to.

We are home. It has a lovely sound for a nation you have willed to wander over the face of the globe. We are not leaving. We are redeeming the pledge made by our forefathers: Jerusalem is being rebuilt. "Next year" and the year after, and after, and after, until the end of time - "in Jerusalem!"

This "letter" (written by Eliezer Whartman) first appeared as an editorial in the summer of '69 in the Times of Israel (long defunct). Some of the sentences do not fit today's situation perfectly, but the point of the letter, and its passion is as on the mark as it was over 40 years ago.

Who should read this letter? People - nonJews or Jews - who think that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish People, and only to the Jewish People. And what about Jews who love Jerusalem and want to see it and all of Israel in Jewish hands? This letter 
is wonderful at strengthening our resolve. Enjoy it.

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Monday, May 6, 2013

A Hunger To Serve

In today's media we don't really get to see the 'other side' of the Israel-Palestine discussion. We don't see the reasons or hunger that Israeli youth have for serving in the IDF.

I think that this young man tells quite eloquently the level of desire that many youth have to serve their country, and to defend their country.

Here is a picture of Izzy with the (micro?) Tavor :

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm the Greatest Star

Today its easier to get 'seen' than ever before, that has its drawbacks and its benefits.

Sadly, it means that anyone and everyone can put their videos up on YouTube, Vimeo and MetaCafe and expect Simon Cowell to come knocking at their door. On the bright side though, it also means that amazing talent can get found.

And this might just be the latest talent to hit it big time.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to share with you - Bridgitte Raven

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Boston Bombers - The Fallout

It is generally acknowledged that Fox News is somewhat right-wing but I was surprised to see just what kind of anger and argumentative reporting they were able to give out so quickly after the dust had settled:

So Jon Stewart fired back regarding Miranda Rights and The Consitution:

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Weak Constitution
Daily Show Full EpisodesIndecision Political HumorThe Daily Show on Facebook

An interesting discussion here between 2 sides of a hurt nation.

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Suit & Tie

Pomplamoose is a pretty amazing band, I've blogged about their greatness before.

Nataly Dawn, their singer has just been on tour where she was not only the Starbucks Singer of the week:

Her tour was sponsored by Hyundai. Can you see the subtle product placement in this video?

My favorite tune and video is still 'Love Me The Way You Do';

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Evolution of the F1 Car

I do like me some Formula 1.

Some people don't understand how I can look at cars going round in circles and I answer "that's Nascar, not Formula 1!".

Some Formula 1 tracks are normal, bog-standard, roads taken over for the week, such as the famous Monaco, Sepang and Melbourne circuits:

Australian F1 Circuit, a local park turns into a Formula 1 circuit

Monaco F1 Circuit, Where the Streets have no names. But the corners do: Casino, St Devote, Rascasse

Sepang, Malaysia F1 Circuit, built around some amazing high rise buildings, all lit up for a real eye-opening evening race.

The old formula 1 cars don't look amazingly different to today's cars, I think they're the same length and roughly the same height. This little video will show you exactly though:

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2nd Amendment Rights

I am very interested in the US Constitution, especially the 2nd Amendment Rights which is the section protecting the citizen's right to bear arms. 2nd Amendment Rights are a hot topic at the moment, and I guess have been for years.

Please, please, please, don't send the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel to argue your case. Ever.

Sadly, John Oliver, one of the greatest comedians of this decade, manages to pull apart this spokesperson and make him look like a fool. The 2nd Amendment rights also look bad after this, which it shouldn't.

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